
Journey2kona2019 is a blog written by Kahu Kimo. I loved this post so much that I wanted to share his words to all of you that follow my posts.


From 1967 to 1971 I was in the Navy where dress shoes had to be spit-shined to a mirror finish.  Quite often I would shine my shoes on Saturday night for the following week, and one Saturday I thought, “There has to be a faster way to do this.”  Eyeing the can of black wax, and the stove, I thought, “I know!  I’ll warm the wax so that it will spread on easily and make a nice even coat.”  So I put the opened can on the stove burner and turned the flame on low, watching as the wax began to melt.  I thought that I must be a genius for having thought of this approach… until the entire can of melted wax ignited, sending flames all the way up to the hood over the stove!  Panicking, I grabbed a pot, filled it with water and hurled…

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